Amanda V
AKA Tech Mistress, Mistress Amanda Birthday May 8 Occupation English Teacher Fun Facts I can sing 1st soprano (yup, the high notes) Favorite Quotes "I like God do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidences." Tour of Duty Joined in June 2003 *** TECH *** Props, House Manager, MC *** STAGE *** Rocky Magenta, Crim REPO Blind Mag, addict, Marni Shock Treatment Wardrobe Mistress *** BIO *** Was dragged to a show one night at the old Castle Cinema and never looked back. I joined up a year after going to the shows and have built many a great memory since that 1st night. Was promoted to Tech Mistress and was heading up the tech crew within a year of service. Once in a while, I'll come out on stage but I prefer doing the backstage work. I've been humbled to have assisted in helping with 3 national conventions and can't wait to see what the future brings.
Birthday July 2 Occupation Buyer Fun Facts Fred was born an original sinner. He was born of original sin. If he had a dollar bill for all the things he's done, there'd be a mountain of money piled up to his chin. Favorite Quotes "Who are you? What do you want? Where are you going?" *** OFF-STAGE *** Merchandise *** STAGE *** Rocky Brad Majors, Riff Raff Shock Treatment Farley Flavors Dueling Farley *** BIO *** Fred joined the cast back in 1995 and has since played every part in the show. Lurking around the show; he prefers to be called "Asshole". An admitted Babylon 5 addict; he is always looking to convert those that have not seen the brilliance of the aforementioned show. While not a true god like Roy; he aspires to godling status by doing the entire show singlehandedly on a snowy evening. If you go to the show you can spot Fred by looking for the guy that is saying "When are we going Shock Treatment again? Can I do Farley?"
Harley Bean
AKA Beans Birthday 12/19 Occupation Slave to the capitalist bourgeoisie(retail) Fun Facts I am not fun Favorite Quote "Eat drink and be Harley” - my mom Tour Of Duty Joined in September of 2013 *** TECH ** All tech roles. Most commonly on props. *** STAGE *** Rocky Frank, Rocky, Brad, Janet, Riff Raff, Magenta, Columbia, Eddie, Dr Scott, Crim, Trixie, Transylvanian, and various on stage props REPO Blind Mag, Pavi, Grave Robber, Amber Sweet, Amber's Valet, Victims, Band members, Gene Cops Dr. Horrible Billy, Moist, Cowboy, Bum Buffy Spike, Sweet, Willow, Mannequin The Room Lisa, Mark, Cherub Hedwig Yitzhak Shock Treatment Janet (Minor) Nation, Frankie Firefly: Out Of Gas Zoe Firefly: Jaynestown Zoe Devil's Carnival Wicke, Lucifer *** BIO *** Small needy demon that enjoys shaking their ass on stage. Been performing in Rocky shadowcasts for 10 years as of July 2020. I definitely act like I know it all and I definitely don’t. Can be also found in the bars of Providence as the Drag king Ricky Mortis. Because I clearly don’t spend enough time on stage.
Birthday October 14 Occupation Professional Circus Freak Fun Facts John Stamos made me internet famous. I'm a trophy winning and record holding bowler. My Rocky tattoo has a quote, but not in English. Favorite Quotes I have a place where dreams are born, and time is never planned Tour of Duty Been doing Rocky since 2004, have been in 4 casts (2 currently), and joined RKO in 2011 *** STAGE *** Rocky Everybody, these days mainly Rocky, Janet and Columbia REPO Gentern, Lead Addict, Hula Hooping while playing guitar Joan Jett, Marnie Buffy Anya Hedwig Phyllis, Mrs Schmidt Shock Treatment Macy Struthers *** BIO *** NYC native, have been performing since I was 3 (started on TV and went from there), and have no plans to stop. I was nicknamed Hoops by my old non entertainment biz day job boss nearly a decade ago (because hula hooping is literally this circus performer's job) and it stuck. I can usually be found running amuck in nerdy costumes and ridiculous outfits traveling all over the world, playing with my dog who's named after BtVS (Anya), hanging out with Alan Cumming, and not ever wearing pants.
AKA Trixie Hobbitses Birthday June 18 Occupation Drag performer and photographer Fun Facts I don’t know man I’m not fun Favorite Quotes “Stay safe, stay smart, stay spectacular” -Payton St.James Tour of Duty 2012 and o *** TECH *** Photos, Costume Tech *** STAGE *** Rocky Brad, Janet, Riff, Magenta, Trixie, Crim, Dr.Scott, Transie REPO Single Mom, Addict, Gentern Dr. Horrible Groupie Buffy Willow, Tara, Parking Ticket Lady *** BIO *** Hello I am a smol goblin who was taken to my first rocky show at the age of 5 which explains a lot about who I am as a person. I’m a drag performer who dabbles in video games, lord of the rings, and crying.
Birthday Jan 3 Occupation Co Owner of Tight Crew, a New England based rave production company Fun Facts Keither loves to strip to the Home Depot theme song! Favorite Quotes "Great Job!" Tour of Duty RKO Army since 2003, Full Body Cast *** TECH *** A/V *** STAGE *** Rocky Frank N Furter, Rocky *** BIO *** Keither has been performing in the RKO Army with his wife Lin-Z since 2003! He has also performed with the Full Body Cast for many years! When not causing shenanigans on stage, he is DJing what he likes to call "ADD Core" music at raves!
Birthday April 20 Occupation Co Owner of Tight Crew, a New England based rave production company! Fun Facts Lin-Z is a crazy pug lady! She will also steal your crab rangoons. Favorite Quotes "There's a snake in my boot" Tour of Duty RKO Army since 2003, Full Body Cast *** STAGE *** Rocky Frank N Furter, Magenta, Columbia, Rocky, Janet REPO Joan Jett *** BIO *** Lin-Z has been a part of the RKO Army since 2003. She joined with her husband Keither and have been performing ever since! Lin-Z is the choreographer of the annual Halloween Thriller preshow, and was also preshow director for many years!
Birthday August 1 Fun Facts Bungee Gum contains the properties of both rubber and gum. Tour of Duty November 2009 - Present *** TECH *** Lights *** STAGE *** Rocky Janet, Magenta, Rocky, Trixie, Transylvanian, Brad, Eddie, Colombia, Dr. Scott, Crim, Frank REPO Shilo, Henchwoman, Gentern, Amber's valet, Zydrate addict Dr. Horrible Groupie Buffy Dawn, Willow The Room Betty Shock Treatment Betty *** BIO *** I am an amalgamation of all the experiences I've had and the people I've met along the way, which is to say I'm a huge dork who is passionate about shadowcasting, cosplay, festivals, anime, hedgehogs, and oreos.
Rowen Camor
Favorite Quote "We're only tourists in this life. Only tourists but the view is nice" - David Byrne Tour Of Duty June 2018 - Current ***TECH *** Photos *** STAGE *** Rocky Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Brad Majors, Janet Weiss, Trixie, Criminologist, Transylvanian The Room Mark, Denny, Mike Hedwig Hedwig Shock Treatment Brad Majors *** BIO *** Rowen Camor is a New England based performance artist. They’ve been performing The Rocky Horror Picture Show since 2018 within Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York City. In 2019, Rowen established and currently stands as casting director for RKO’s production of Hedwig & The Angry Inch. Other casts and acting credits include The CCRI Players (2019 - 2020), The Full Body Cast of Boston (2018 - Current), and The Teseracte Players of Boston (2019 - Current). They had also received a KCACTF theater nomination in 2020 for their makeup design in the CCRI Player’s production of Cabaret.
Birthday Oct 17 Occupation IT Change Manager; IS Test Architect; Director of RKO Army Fun Facts Cats. Thunderstorms. Favorite Quotes "What you do speaks so loudly that what you say I cannot hear" "The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself" - The Buddha Tour of Duty 1980-1981: Providence RHPS Cast 1982-1984: Hedonist Theater (Groton) 1986-1987: Boston RHPS Cast 1995-2003: Teseracte Players 1981-Current: RKO Army (aka RI RHPS Cast; aka Absolute Pleasure Players; aka RKO Players) *** OFF-STAGE / TECH *** Production, A/V, Lights, Props, Camera, Social Media *** STAGE *** Rocky Rocky, Riff, Dr. Scott, Crim, Brad REPO Luigi, Amber Body Guard Dr. Horrible Mayor, Fake Thomas Jefferson Buffy Giles The Room Peter Shock Treatment Duel Farley Serenity Book, Dr. Mathias Firefly: Out Of Gas Book Firefly: Jaynestown Book Devils Carnival John *** BIO *** I'll say two things of all this. With so many changes and chapters between then and now, I think the only thing that remains the same is the spirit. Second, RKO Army is the linear cast dating back thru all the various names. My association with Rocky Horror was listening to the Rocky Horror album in 1979 of my best (and only) friend Bob who was going to the Cinerama on Hope Street in Providence. Having graduated college, I finally went there on Memorial Day w/e in 1980. That lasted a year and didn't go or end well, but ... lessons learned. I soon joined a cast in Newport's Jane Pickens Theater and eventually became de-facto cast leader. That show ended in 1982. After a run with another cast in Groton in 82-83, Bob and I pulled together the best of the casts of Newport/Providence/Groton and came back and performed the last show (and last movie) ever played at the now cast-less Cinerama in March of 1983. It was a sell out. That final night was the end of the beginning. From there, we ran shows every Friday and Saturday night every week at the Avon (1983), Cable Car (1983), Fairlawn (1983-4), Warwick Mall (1984-5), Cumberland Twin (1985-7), Meadowbrook (1987-1993), and back again to the Jane Pickens (1993-4). We had various names, for years the Rhode Island RHPS Cast, then Creatures of the Night, Wild & Untamed Things, and eventually the Absolute Pleasure Players. In 1994, we went from being a twice a week every week cast with 1400 shows under our belts to became a barnstorming cast, performing in theaters, clubs, colleges, and streets performing anything from regular shows to audio shows to slides shows to parades. Meanwhile, after 12 different cast versions from 1993 to 1996 at the departed Meadowbrook, a very young and disciplined group called the RKO Players had formed. We ran parallel in 1996, but we found great mutual respect and friendship with them and by 1997 we began attending and performing in each other's productions. Thru complimentary osmosis, we merged our forces, with the younger "RKO" using it's energy to focus on the (now) weekly show and the older "APP" using it's experience and physical resources to focus on everything else outside that, with no delineation on membership within a year. The Meadowbrook run ended in 2000. From there, we went to the Park Cinema (2000-1), the Limelight (2001, same building as the Meadowbrook), and the Castle (2001-3). Plus a monthly run at the Pastime (2002-3). It was during 2003 that we renamed everything "RKO Army". A new era began in 2003 with the turning to monthly rather than weekly shows and doing the shows at multiple sites. We had runs at the Holiday/Island 10 (2003-2010), Triboro (2004-5), South Kingstown (2007-2010), and East Bridgewater (2005-2011). We still have runs at the Foxboro Orpheum (2007-) and Lincoln CinemaWorld (2010-) and a fledgling run at the Flagship in West Wareham (2011-). Of course, we still road shows, parades, club shows, and anything else under the sun. At the 4711 Con in 2011, we were asked to host the 2013 national Rocky Horror Con, a calling we were humbled by and honored to accept.
AKA Teeb, 13 Birthday July 29 Occupation Full-time glitterbomb and part-time shower singer of Broadway tunes Fun Facts Still needs 3 more people for her ABBA cover band (currently accepting applications) Favorite Quotes "You can't change who people are without destroying who they were." Tour of Duty She started with Full Body Cast (Boston) in 2010 and began double-dipping with RKO Army in 2013 *** TECH *** Photos, Lights, Costumes *** STAGE *** Rocky Frank, Janet, Brad, Riff-Raff, Magenta, Columbia, Rocky, Eddie, Transie, Trixie REPO Shilo, Amber Sweet, Blind Mag, Gentern Dr. Horrible Penny, Moist, Groupie Buffy Buffy, Anya, Dawn, Parking Ticket Lady The Room Lisa, Denny, Michelle Hedwig Hedwig Shock Treatment Nurse Ansalong, Janet Majors Serenity River, Kaylee Firefly: Out Of Gas River Firefly: Jaynestown River, Kaylee Devils Carnival Painted Doll *** BIO *** * Just your typical state employee/award winning pole dancer * 5 feet of fury * In need of a snack and a nap
Fun Facts He has no idea what is going on, but that's okay, most people don't. Favorite Quotes "No" - Rosa Parks Tour of Duty Since 2017 *** TECH *** Yes *** STAGE *** No *** BIO *** He just kinda wandered in here one day and now we cant get him to leave.
Vic Leo
He/Him or They/Them
Birthday May 30 Occupation Small business owner- Leo Rising Tarot & Candles Fun Facts Directly related to Violet Jessop who survived the sinking of the Titanic, Britannia and the Olympic/Hawke collision Tour Of Duty March 2020- Present
*** TECH *** Lights *** STAGE *** Rocky Horror Rocky The Room Flower shop Lady
*** BIO *** Vic Leo has been performing since the age of 6 and has appeared in dozens of local theater productions, operas, and classical concerts since 2008. Some favorite roles include The Emcee in Cabaret with CCRI Players 2020, Yitzhak in Hedwig and the Angry Inch with Academy Players (Motif nominee for Best Supporting Male Actor 2019), Banquo in Macbeth (CCRI Players 2018), and Magenta in The Rocky Horror Show (CCRI Players 2015). Leo is a classically trained vocalist with an AFA is Vocal Performance, and is also a trained percussionist specializing in mallet percussion such as marimba and vibraphone. He is also the owner of Leo Rising Tarot & Candles. Leo joined RKO Army after years of being a fan in March of 2020 and can’t wait to see what the future brings with this wonderful cast and crew.